This is SKOGEN Magazine

SKOGEN magazine is published monthly and is aimed at professional people in the Swedish forestry business. The 14,000 subscribers comprise forestry officials, contractors, forestry workers and the country’s major private forest owners. The magazine is read with great interest at most forestry-related workplaces.

The magazine is editorially independent and free from interests in the timber market or the labour market, etc. SKOGEN is owned by the Swedish Forestry Society and is financed entirely by subscriptions and advertising income.
SKOGEN provides tips, reviews, debates and reports on everything that is happening in forestry.

We focus on three key areas: the timber market, silviculture and forestry work. We monitor such things as the round timber prices, business forms and trading in the timber market. The silviculture articles deal with matters including new forms of management, forestry policy and conservation issues. A major part of forestry work is carried out by contractors. SKOGEN focuses on such things as the companies’ development work, as well as machinery and other equipment.

The news flow is supplemented by the latest news on the web and in the e-newsletter eSKOGEN. Close co-operation with the SKOGENbild forestry image bank means we have access to very high class picture material.

SKOGEN has an extensive advertising market and it is here the industry’s situations-vacant ads are published.
The independent company Orvesto conducts regular reader surveys. We have 80,000 readers (ORVESTO® Konsument 2018:2). Among the 70 leading trade journals, SKOGEN is one of the top publications, attracting opinions such as, ”affects the way I see issues” and ”you can learn something worth knowing”.



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