SA Forestry Magazine: It’s International Women’s Day today! Here’s an SA Forestry mag shout out to all the women involved in forestry.
Cifor: Fact: Research shows greater involvement of women can improve forest management.
Shade Fund: ”It’s a pleasure to get up in the morning and go to work” says Toni. Read her story.
Oregon state university: Public invited to attend 4 upcoming events by #OregonState #Extension #Women Owning Woodlands Network.
One billion hungry: Only 10% of total aid for agriculture, forestry and fishing goes to women, who make up 43% of agri labour force.
UBC Forestry & FGSA to celebrate Int’l Women’s Day w/ free lunch-time dialogue “Gender and Forestry”
Real World Radio: Women in Charge. MST Brazil women occupy field of forestry and cellulose company from Bahia: Over 1000 women of …
Skogstweet på kvinnodagen
8 mars 2012 På den internationella kvinnodagens förmiddag kollade vi vad som tweetas om kvinnor och skogsbruk. Hittade inget. Frauen och Forstwirtschaft då? Nej. Men på women och forestry.