New version of Forest Sweden with Wood

6 december 2011 The swedish wood manufacturers have joinend ForestSweden.Official release of new Forest Sweden vill be at ELMIA TIMBER FAIR 4 october.

We are prereleasing the new version. Official release will take place at The ELMIA Timber 4 october. But we can`t hold back anymore due to practial reasons. Almost all of the webboard members will all be att the fair ELMIA Timber next week.,Forest Sweden is a neutral Information- and Knowledge-portal for the entire Swedish forestry, forest-, wood-, pulp/paper industries and their major suppliers.,The portal is a joint venture between above mentioned bransches in cooperation with member companies and SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciensces) ,,We hope that our old visitors will find the site as good as ever. We also hope that new vistiors will find Forest Sweden and then bookmark it.,Kind Regards from the,Webboard

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